Auto Steering System and Suspension Service
Auto Steering System and Suspension Service in Frankfort, Kentucky
So many parts of your vehicle are critical to its safe operation, and that’s no less true of your car’s steering system. Of course, the steering is what keeps your car headed in the right direction. Whether you’re driving to the grocery store or Alaska, there will be turns, curves and lane changes, and your steering is what will get you through them. It also helps you avoid obstacles and hazards in the road – things like truck tires that have shredded on the highway and boxes or furniture that’s dropped off a pickup truck. Obvious, right?
Yet the steering system is frequently taken for granted and overlooked. That’s a mistake. The steering is a complex system, as you can see if you watch this video: Like most everything else, it’s best to address issues before they become major and/or safety concerns.
Of course, your car’s steering system is connected to it’s suspension, struts, control arms, tie rods, ball joints and more, so it all has to work together to keep your car headed in the right direction and you safe and comfortable. Learn more about those components here: It’s important to routinely have your steering and suspension inspected and properly maintained to avoid problems.
Call Limitless Auto & Diesel today at (502) 871-5147 to schedule an inspection of your vehicle’s steering and suspension systems. It could save you a headache down the road.
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